Add/Edit Project Fields Explained

Project Name :

It is how you want to name your project.


Project Start - End Date :

At the moment, this is used only for your information. The start and due dates will be connected with your assigned package in future versions.


Invoice To Client:

Use this field to choose the client to be billed for the project. If you set it to null, you won't be able to Generate invoices for tasks assigned to this project.


Assigned Package:

If the client has a service that uses the “Projects” module, you can assign the project to the service and use the “Prepaid” hours of the service when billing.


Invoice Date* & Due Date:

Though required in the 1.0.6 Version, those fields are not used anymore and have been replaced by the “Projects” Module.



The Hourly rate you would like to charge for this project.



By default, the project currency is set to the client currency.


Billing Schedule:

At the moment, only Hourly rate is available. If you want to bill your clients daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, you can create a service and use the “Projects” module.


Assign To:

Staff members the Project is assigned.


Task Statuses:

You can create custom statuses for your project tasks  at : /admin/plugin/blestacrm_project_management/admin_process_master



The priority of the Project.


Project Details: 

Public project details, clients,s and staff members can access this information.


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